Chamber Music Marin, a non-profit organization, was founded in 1973. It is run entirely by volunteers, which enables us to appoint the bulk of our subscription and donations to our musical programs. Our concert fees are modest, supported by additional contributions by our generous donors and faithful subscribers.
Annual Concert Series
A dedicated board of directors actively runs the annual concert series. This outstanding series of internationally-acclaimed artists is presented in five concerts each year at the Mount Tamalpais United Methodist Church in Mill Valley. The church has excellent acoustics and offers free parking.
Community Outreach
CMM's ever-popular Outreach Program continues to offer several classical music workshops and performances in Marin County Schools, exposing the next generation to the exquisite pleasures of chamber music. Both the children themselves and their teachers tell us each time how much they have benefited and how they have found the visits rewarding.
Marin Music Chest
Subscribers receive a free ticket to the Young Performers Concert of the Marin Music Chest, next performing in May 2020. Chamber Music Marin supports the goals of the Marin Music Chest and hopes that subscribers will take advantage of this wonderful opportunity to hear talented young musicians. We encourage you to bring your friends and family to this free concert.
For information about the organization, visit www.marinmusicchest.org.